Friday, October 14, 2011

Old troll logs from Occupy Nashville. "The Bridge to Nowhere"

Hello all! Welcome to my first post on a blog. As some of you know. I am one of the points of contact on the tech committee for Occupy Nashville. One of my jobs is to moderate the Facebook, Live Chat, and forums. Since I'm due to go into surgery, I currently do freelance editing work for film and work from home. This gives me the ability to moderate full time, daily. From when I wake up to when I go to sleep. During the days, I've accumulated a ton of logs of people coming in and trolling. I decided to create this blog, to share the encounters. The only thing that will be edited are people's personal information, off-topic conversations happening on the side, and unimportant join/quit logs from the chat.

General Information:
My screenname: Spuff
Other moderators: SpawnX, `0v3rki11 

And now. I present to you the first batch of trolls:


[23:52] * ICEMAN  has joined #occupynashville
[23:53] <+ICEMAN> Hey fruit jelly are you the person who has the video of the protestor harrassing you?
[23:53] <+SpawnX> hi ICEMAN
[23:55] <@Spuff> FruitJelly posted that video, but he is not the camera guy.
[23:58] <+ICEMAN> If the guy in the video that fruitjelly posted represents you I don't think I want to be part of you
[23:59] <+ICEMAN> so does that man represent occupy nashville or not
[00:00] <@Spuff> He does not
[00:00] <@Spuff> the General Assembly dealt with the incident
[00:00] <@Spuff> And has invited that camera guy back to the park to photograph whatever he needs.
[00:00] * +ICEMAN Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[00:01] * ICEMAN has joined #occupynashville
[00:01] * +ICEMAN Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[00:02] * ICEMAN has joined #occupynashville
[00:02] <@Spuff> Did you catch that? Sometimes the chat client goes a little buggy.
[00:03] <+ICEMAN> no i didn't does that man represent you or not ....... becasue he was a vile violent person who needs anger management
[00:03] <@Spuff> [00:00] <@Spuff> He does not
[00:03] <@Spuff> [00:00] <@Spuff> the General Assembly dealt with the incident
[00:03] <@Spuff> [00:00] <@Spuff> And has invited that camera guy back to the park to photograph whatever he needs.
[00:04] <+ICEMAN> well he sure acted like he did and have you banned him from your area?
[00:04] <@Spuff> The photographer's name was Bill Hobbs, who came out to put a negative slant on the GA after the assembly was over which was later at night. The man who was aggressive is a prominent homeless advocate in Nashville, and was at the GA to address some of the issues of the camp with the homeless, since we've invited them in, but there have been a few problems with theft.
[00:05] <@Spuff> The man was talked to, and the incident will not happen again. The General Assembly also made an announcement that any photographer and videographer is allowed in the park at any time to take pictures and video.
[00:05] <+ICEMAN> well he did put a negative slant on you all because he told the truth about you
[00:05] * +ICEMAN Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[00:05] <@Spuff> lol.
[00:05] <@Spuff> wut.
[00:07] * ICEMAN has joined #occupynashville
[00:07] <@Spuff> Welcome back!
[00:07] <@Spuff> The negative slant has been dealt with as I said. We addressed the photographer and have invited him back. This was a single incident of a man acting out on his own and not in conjunction with our group.
[00:09] <+ICEMAN> So are you all going to do what i've seen done at other rallys ....... have one person speak and then repeat it back to them like a flock of sheep?
[00:10] <@Spuff> That's called a human microphone. Everyone is entitled to speak. The Human microphone has been used for centuries in history. It was brought back due to permits for using a megaphone in NYC, and was spread to other occupations as it brought unity to the group, and was much more clear than a megaphone.
[00:10] <@Spuff> However, not just one person speaks.
[00:11] <@Spuff> Many people get to speak.
[00:11] <+ICEMAN> yea you all repeat what that one person says .............that tells me all i need to know you are a bunch of mindless sheep who can't have an original thougt don't think i'll join your flock
[00:11] <+ICEMAN> good night :)
[00:11] * +ICEMAN Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[00:12] <@Spuff> Lol.
[00:12] <@Spuff> Trolls gonna troll.


The persistent troll: This troll was in and out of the chat all week. I don't have the time to copy and paste it all, but here's a good portion of everything up to the final kick/ban. This is over a 2 day span.

 [22:25] <+OCNash_76567> are you going to have someone saying something and then you all repeat it like the mindless sheep you are .... so you can be just like the rest of the protesters ??

 [22:26] <+OCNash_76567> i have a new slogan for you all BAAAAAAAA WE ARE THE MINDLESS BAAAAAAAAAA

 [22:30] * OCNash_93381 has joined #occupynashville
[22:31] <@SpawnX> OCNash_93381 .... whats your hit and run this time
[22:31] <@SpawnX> lol like i said.. now run along lil boy
[22:31] <@`0v3rki11> BAAAAAAA my anme is OCNash_93381 and I'm sheepple paid off by wall street BAAAAAA
[22:31] * +OCNash_93381 (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (mooooo)))

 [22:31] * OCNash_00722 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[22:32] * +OCNash_00722 (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (lol this time you dont get to speak)))

 [22:37] * Odie has joined #occupynashville
[22:37] <@SpawnX> totaly correct there Miranda
[22:38] <+Miranda> I told my mother I was going and went off about some crap Mike Huckabee said!
[22:38] <+Miranda> Something about us promoting socialism!
[22:38] <+Miranda> Like WTF?!
[22:39] <+Odie> You are promoting socailism ........ taking away from people who have something to keep it for yourselves is what you are trying to do !
[22:39] <@Spuff> People who make that claim aren't educated on what is actually going on.
[22:39] <@`0v3rki11> Odie we are taking back that which was STOLEN from us
[22:39] <@Spuff> I'm a socialist. This movement, is NOT a socialist movement. I promise. lol
[22:39] <@`0v3rki11> this is a HUMAN movement
[22:39] <+Odie> How was it stolen from you please explain how someone earning something is stolen from you?
[22:40] <@SpawnX>;_ylu=X3oDMTE2MHNhdnNzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMzQEY29sbwNzazEEdnRpZANNU1kwMTVfMTYz/SIG=131n45kc3/EXP=1318579672/**http%3a//
[22:40] <+Odie> It's not ! you are stealing from "the evil rich" as your ilk likes to call them
[22:40] <@`0v3rki11> Odie they didn't earn the bailouts we GAVE them. they BEGGED us and PROTESTED for th ebilaout s we GAVE them
[22:40] <@SpawnX> i think thats a rather reltive link for the ppl who dont get it... i could be wrong so look
[22:40] <@`0v3rki11> then they flushed it down the toilet into their own pockets with no intention of returning it
[22:40] <+Odie> i don't see you protesting G.M or Crysler
[22:40] <@`0v3rki11> Odie they paid it back
[22:40] <@Spuff> They're included in corporate greed.
[22:40] <+Miranda> Those bailout came directly from my taxes!
[22:40] <+Odie> you are a bunch of crybaby bums!!!!
[22:41] * Odie was kicked by Spuff (oooh. i'm gonna cry.)
[22:41] <@`0v3rki11> Odie get out of your parents basement and do some research
[22:41] <@SpawnX> Spuff
[22:41] <+Miranda> What about the people who lost their pension that they had earned?
[22:41] <+TNJED> thanks, spuff
[22:41] <@SpawnX> lil preme
[22:41] <+Miranda> lol @ Spuff
[22:41] <+Miranda> I'd get a job if I could find one!
[22:41] <+OnlyOnus> Do you think we made them happy?
[22:42] <+Miranda> I dunno but I was entertained
[22:42] <@Spuff> Okay new action
[22:42] <@Spuff> he comes back
[22:42] <@Spuff> just ignore him
[22:42] <@Spuff> pretend like he's not even there
[22:42] <@Spuff> and i won't boot him
[22:42] <@Spuff> that'll just piss him off
[22:42] <@`0v3rki11> agreed
[22:42] <+Miranda> Like what we do with Westboro when they come to town?
[22:43] <+Skank> sounds good tome spuff
[22:43] <@`0v3rki11> well, you have to ignore westboro because if you dont they sue you which is how they are able to continue what they do

We continue having regular conversation when he joins this time. In order to help you keep from having to read it all, I'm going to remove most of the conversation unless it's something that he is responding to. full chat log available upon request.

 [22:43] * chole has joined #occupynashville
[22:43] <+chole> You realize that you have all been given the blessing form Iran ........ must make you feel good that communist like you

[22:46] <+chole> You realize you are protesting against people who create jobs right??  HOw about the guy in new york who quit his job to protest high unemployment ..... kinda like selling your car to put gas in it ............ You people and your liberal logic

[22:46] <+chole> BTW at the top of your page there is a corporation advertising

[22:47] <+chole> BTW you have 20 protesters in Cincinnati being fined $30 a day for being bums living in a park

[22:47] <+Miranda> There was a study done that said Fox News leaves viewers less informed than not watching news at all
[22:47] <+chole> yea media matters did that study miranda maybe you should consider the soruce
[22:47] <@`0v3rki11> I have one thing to say about Fox news - they employed Sarah Palin. that is all
[22:48] <@Spuff> Hahahaha touche
[22:48] <+chole> God you all are a bunch of losers!!!
[22:48] <@Spuff> I think any news organization that can't place the correct name of a country on the map, shouldn't be legitamized. lol
[22:48] <+Miranda> Actually its several accredited sourced who did the study. Perhaps you should research before you comment
[22:49] <+chole> yea media matters and several other liberal sites .......... you realize you're a bunch of young losers who can't find work because most jobs requrie a drug test ........ maybe you should lay off the weed for a bit
[22:49] <@`0v3rki11> catch yall tomorrow
[22:50] <@`0v3rki11> hey chole....
[22:50] <@`0v3rki11> eat shit and die yuppie scum
[22:50] <@Spuff> Hahaha, you broke the wall overkill!
[22:50] <@Spuff> You broke the wall!
[22:50] <+OnlyOnus> chole what makes you think that everyone here is a pot head?
[22:50] <@Spuff> goodnight chole!
[22:50] <@`0v3rki11> i'm an admin, i can do that. and it's amusing :)
[22:51] <@`0v3rki11> ok, g'night all
[22:51] <@Spuff> I'll be the guy with the large camera.
[22:51] <@Spuff> and hat
[22:51] <@Spuff> to figure out what i look like
[22:51] <@Spuff> come up and engage in conversation
[22:51] <@Spuff> to get educated more.
[22:51] <@Spuff> :)
[22:51] <+Miranda> Hey Chole you no one likes you are a reason.
[22:51] <+chole> YOU COULDN'T EDUCATE MY DOG
[22:51] <@SpawnX> so ... chole
[22:51] <@Spuff> Give me a shot then. :)
[22:51] <@SpawnX> do you like snowballs?
[22:51] <+Miranda> Well no I'm not a dog trainer
[22:52] * +chole (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (because you just snowballed)))

 [23:20] * OCNash_58913 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[23:20] <+Miranda> LOL The protesters offered to clean it for free!
[23:21] <@Spuff> Hey OCNash #### peeps! :)
[23:21] <+TNJED> so this isn't news?
[23:21] <+killerfurball> and every news agency I have read has since made comments on how tidy the park actually is
[23:21] <+OCNash_58913> what are the protestores cleaning?
[23:21] <+OCNash_58913> you mean the libearl news agency
[23:21] <+OCNash_58913> YOU PEOPLE ARE MORONS!!!
[23:21] * Spuff sets mode: -v OCNash_58913
[23:21] <+killerfurball> if we count BBC as a "liberal" news agency
[23:21] <@Spuff> sorry QT
[23:21] <@Spuff> not again.
[23:21] <+Miranda> That ignore button is great!
[23:21] <@SpawnX> facebook has NO usa ties for a reason .. the avoid the laws
[23:22] <+killerfurball> and yes for anyone that asks I get a majority of my news from the BBC
[23:22] <@SpawnX> use that tact for your advantage
[23:22] * OCNash_58913 Quit (Signed off)
[23:22] <@Spuff> Lol.
[23:22] <@SpawnX> bbc is the only relyable sorurce on this all
[23:22] <@Spuff> The OCNash troller
[23:22] <@Spuff> PMed me after I devoiced him

 Here is the PM I got:

[23:22] <Spuff> lolololol
[23:22] <Spuff> :)
[23:22] <Spuff> Cute.

 DAY 2

[19:09] * OCNash_16580 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:10] <+OCNash_16580> Hey dumbasses saw your protest today all 10 of you LOL
[19:10] <@Spuff> Good thing it's tomorrow.
[19:10] * +OCNash_16580 (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (its u)))
[19:10] <@Spuff> DAMN IT
[19:10] <@Spuff> BEAT ME TO IT
[19:11] * OCNash_16580 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:11] * +OCNash_16580 (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (its u again)))
[19:11] * OCNash_16307 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:12] <+OCNash_16307> I thought you dumbasses were occupying legislative plaza ........ LOL ....... that was the saddest little group i've ever seen LOL
[19:12] * +OCNash_16307 (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (its u again like some sort of retard)))
[19:12] * OCNash_69096 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:12] * OCNash_69096 was kicked by Spuff (My turn.)
[19:13] <+SpawnX> d:
[19:13] * OCNash_25476 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:13] * +OCNash_25476 (3209efd0@ Quit (Killed (* (do you ever learn)))
[19:13] <@Spuff> new strategy.
[19:13] <@Spuff> devoicing
[19:13] <@Spuff> less work for us
[19:13] * OCNash_25476 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:13] <@Spuff> more work for him
[19:13] <+SpawnX> true
[19:13] * Spuff sets mode: -v OCNash_25476
[19:13] * OCNash_25476 (3209efd0@ Quit (Signed off)
[19:14] <+SpawnX> :P to bad he dident bother to think people do have to work
[19:15] * OCNash_71124 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:15] <+OCNash_71124> keep proving what pussies you are by booting me LOL fucking losers
[19:15] <+SpawnX> not that OCNash_71124 actually thinks
[19:15] <+MajikNinja> Why do you even come back dude? Lol
[19:15] * Spuff sets mode: -v OCNash_71124
[19:15] <@Spuff> I'm not booting you
[19:15] <+SpawnX> he just opens his mouth and crap flys out
[19:15] <@Spuff> I'm taking away your speaking privlidges.
[19:15] * OCNash_71124 (3209efd0@ Quit (Signed off)
[19:16] * OCNash_09261 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:16] <+OCNash_09261> keep booting you fucking losers i can do this all night LOL
[19:16] <+SpawnX> IP ADDRESS REMOVED
[19:16] * Spuff sets mode: -v OCNash_09261
[19:16] <+SpawnX> his ip
[19:16] <@Spuff> I can do this too.
[19:16] <@Spuff> Oh nice you grabbed it?
[19:16] <@Spuff> Let's fix this problem.
[19:17] * OCNash_09261 (3209efd0@ Quit (Signed off)
[19:17] <@Spuff> lol
[19:17] <@Spuff> let's freak him out.
[19:17] * OCNash_44454 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:17] <+SpawnX> lol
[19:17] <+SpawnX> `devoice OCNash_44454
[19:17] * BugsBunny sets mode: -v OCNash_44454
[19:17] * OCNash_44454 (3209efd0@ Quit (Signed off)
[19:18] <@Spuff> Can I IP ban through here, or do we need to do it through the webclient?
[19:18] <+SpawnX> needs to be via the web client
[19:19] <@Spuff> Word. I don't think I have access to that list
[19:20] * OCNash_53554 (3209efd0@ has joined #occupynashville
[19:20] <+OCNash_53554> wow that took a long time you fucking losers i just wanted to tell you what losers you looked like today have a good night LOL
[19:20] * Spuff sets mode: -v OCNash_53554
[19:20] * OCNash_53554 (3209efd0@ Quit (Signed off)
[19:21] <+SpawnX> lol
[19:22] <+MajikNinja> He's on ClearWire in St Louis. I'll get the number to Clearwire's Abuse department.
[19:23] <+SpawnX> its not a prob ... i just stuck his ip in a kill block
[19:23] <+RevivedVinyl> What does it mean..... To "give voice" on this board?
[19:23] <@Spuff> It's setup so that we can mute people as well as boot them.
[19:23] <+MajikNinja> Means you can type
[19:23] <+SpawnX> voice allows you to talk when the channel is moderated (+m)
[19:23] <@Spuff> everyone with voice can type.
[19:23] <@Spuff> so if we devoice someone, they can't type in the chat
[19:23] <@Spuff> Trying to keep out the trolls.

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